Jupiter on September, 7th 2021 with a 12″ Newtonian Telescope on an EQ Mount
Here is Jupiter on the night of September 7th. The seeing seemed to be Average to Good. I used Fire Capture for video capture using a ZWO 174mm (Mono) Astro Cam and captured 5 sets of Red, Green, and Blue in this one image of that night’s imaging session. Each session is 50 seconds. I could do longer, but 50-6- seconds is good for Jupiters Rotation.
A day in Jupiter is only 9 hours compared to the Earth’s 24-hour rotation. The telescope was an Apertura AD12 12″ Newtonian Dob mounted on an iOptron CEM70 Mount. The mount is supposedly capable of 70lbs for visual use and I think this came out to about 60 lbs or so with all of the equipment on it and the CEM70 handles it like a champ.
Now for processing. I used several programs for this. Each image composed of a filter had about 5000 to7000 images in it, I took about the best 15% and stacked them and made image measurements in WinJups and Derotated them then I went back to Registax for wavelets and then off to Photoshop CC to recombine the Red, Green and Blue images and finish it off.
Below is a Zoomable version, just click on the dashed box for the full screen mode.